Dr. Jon Repole, D.C., N.C., H.H.P., C.P.T.

Let’s talk vaccines and how you can protect yourself as you journey into 2021 and beyond.

In general, an artificial vaccine offers our immune system a small, fixed amount of pathogen (called an antigen). As a result, our immune system "memorizes" the response to this seemingly harmless exposure and produces future protection (antibodies). In other words, when we are exposed to the “real” infection, the immune system is prepared (has an arsenal of antibodies) and can react immediately thereby minimizing potential health consequences carried by said pathogen.

Conventional doctors stress that the benefits of conventional vaccines far outweigh their risks. Holistic practitioners, on the other hand, believe that conventional vaccines may be causal, correlated or contributory in the increase of autoimmune disorders, childhood cancers, autism, brain disorders and so much more. A recent Reuters poll found that at least a quarter of the American public is not interested in a vaccine for SARS-CoV-2.

Why the controversy?

The idea of “hormesis” or giving a small thing and experiencing a greater than expected result is an amazing and novel idea. Homeopathy, for example, has been around since the 1800s embracing and using the Law of Similars doctrine (“like cures like”) whereby a small, harmless, diluted substance is given to a patient to help with the treatment of a diverse array of disorders, symptoms and diseases.

To keep this article short, I am not going to dive deep into the details or sides of this controversy but will offer two easily understood and common-sense explanations as to why one might object to the COVID vaccination: 

  1. We have NEVER seen a conventional vaccine enter the public sphere in such a short period of time. In essence, we are all acting as laboratory guinea pigs.

  2. A PARTIAL list of ingredients used in common vaccines:

  • Formaldehyde: toxic chemical used in embalming

  • Aluminum: a heavy metal that is toxic to the brain

  • Gelatin: mashed up animal parts

  • Thimerosal: mercury (one of the most toxic chemicals on the planet)

  • Antibiotics

  • Chicken egg proteins

  • Human (oftentimes harvested from aborted fetuses) and animal DNA

Mandates and Recommendations

In general, states and federal government agencies cannot force people to receive a new coronavirus vaccine against their will. They can, however, create mandates that impose consequences (can’t go to school, can’t go to work, etc.) for not complying. This might sound like a bunch of semantics but because we live in the United States, we thankfully don’t have to worry about a government official breaking down our door and forcefully injecting us with a vaccine to comply.

I believe mandates for vaccines will follow history. In other words, mandates will ultimately be left up to state’s autonomy with recommendations coming from the federal government. Thus, just as we have mass confusion over when, where, and how to wear masks in all 50 states – the same will occur within each state, district, etc. interpreting vaccine policies, mandates, and recommendations. It is possible (i.e. under the commerce clause) that the federal government (i.e. Congress) could wield more power. This, however, would become a constitutional crisis. So, for now, we will deal with the autonomy of each state individually.

My recommendations 

Before working against the system and expending needless energies (protesting, refusing, fighting, arguing, etc.) my suggestion is to work, FIRST, within the system and if all else fails - consider measures “outside the system.”  

All states allow for some type of exemption, falling into three categories – medical, religious, and personal/philosophical/conscientious. Your legal right to be exempt is based on your state’s exemption laws and, of course, they are all different. The religious and personal exemption rights are, unfortunately, under attack and lobbyists associated with pharmaceutical industries have been trying for years to eliminate or severely restrict non-medical exemptions.

Here are by recommendations:  

  1. Start by working in the system. Learn what exemptions your state has in place. Note: Florida law offers medical and religious exemptions.

  2. If your state has personal/conscientious exemptions, you probably won’t have to do to much more. Note: less than ½ states have such exemptions.

  3. Seek proof of immunity. Start by asking your doctor to run antibody titers to the COVID virus to find out if you have had previous exposure. This is one of the easiest medical exemptions.

  4. If your COVID antibody test comes back negative, ask for the list of vaccine ingredients – are you allergic to any of the substances? Discuss with your doctor, as documented allergies to ingredients are valid exemptions.

  5. Do you have documented adverse reactions to past vaccines? This is also another valid exemption.  

  6. Pursue medical exemption through autoimmune diagnosis. Ask your doctor to run a host of blood work related to autoimmunity. In short, there is good evidence that people with autoimmune diseases are at higher risk for possible adverse reactions.  

  7. Pursue religious exemption (i.e. based on use of human fetal tissue and/or use of animal ingredients)  




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