Dr. Jon Repole, D.C., N.C., H.H.P., C.P.T.

Fasting is one of the most important health tools and secrets for self-renewal, aging, longevity and reversal of chronic disease. It is an evolutionary tool built inside the DNA of every cell, tissue and organ in the body. Fasting strips away our daily concerns of food preparation and asks us to come face to face with our most vulnerable Self as we confront hidden emotions, sensations, beliefs and feelings. In brief, during a strict non-caloric “water fast” our body moves into healing, recycling and regeneration. Metabolically speaking, the body’s energy source shifts from sugar (the food we eat) to fat (our reserves). This shift, if done appropriately, is, I believe, one of the most amazing tools in unleashing the power of our innate intelligence to heal from "above down and inside out." 

On an average day, we use the sugar from the foods we ingest as our main energy source. Our digestive system helps take large macromolecules (carbs, fats and proteins) and breaks them down into smaller components such as glucose (from carbohydrates), fatty acids (from fats) and amino acids (from protein). The glucose or sugar from carbohydrates, during an average day, is the body's prioritized fuel currency. Imagine, however, if the body could take a break from all of this work for a short period of time. What would happen?

Fasting Day by Day

12 to 24 hours (Day 1): The body begins to use stored sugar (called glycogen) found in our liver and muscle tissues. The body is “transitioning” into a fasting state so it can begin the magic of cellular clean-up, repair and cellular regeneration. 

24 to 72 hours (Day 2 and 3): Once these sugar reserves (glycogen) are depleted the body switches to fat for energy utilization (note: the timing depends on a person’s glycogen reserves and activity levels). Ketogenesis (ketone production), autophagy and cellular regeneration begin.

Autophagy defined: the well-organized process that breaks down and recycles various cellular components. This process is a type of self-renewal as we “shed our skin” removing old structures and making room for new ones that can take their place. 

72 to 120 hours (3-5 days): The body is in a complete and steady state of fat energy utilization (nutritional ketosis). Autophagy (cellular clean-up) and cellular regeneration is ramped up and we achieve anti-aging and longevity benefits unlike any other method of healing.    

Physical Benefits

Decreased oxidative stress (free radicals)

Anti-aging genes turned on    

Positive hormonal changes such as improved insulin regulation  

Cellular repair

Weight loss

Mobilization and elimination of infections, yeast, bacteria, etc.

Release of toxins

Stem cell production

Cellular repair and regeneration



Emotional and Spiritual Benefits  

In addition to physical benefits, fating conjures up emotional, spiritual and mental “toxins” that we are challenged to purge, surrender to, reconcile, make peace with and so on. 

During the first few days of fast, desires, sensations and craving begin to heighten, and we are forced to stay in the present moment a bit longer than we are accustomed to.


We are no longer able to use our number one drug of choice – food – to suppress or numb down our feelings and emotions. In other words, the carpet in pulled back and we are confronted with years of shadows that we conveniently “swept under the rug.” Thus, the parts we kept in the dark come to the light and we begin to see our most vulnerable self.

Types of "Fasts" 

Supervised water fast  

Water Infusions 

Juice Feasting

Lemon/Lime Aid Drinks

Intermittent or time restrictive fasts where you choose a certain window of eating each day (i.e. eating between the hours of 12 to 8pm)


How to Fast 

This is a large topic and I won't be able to do justice in this small blog. If you want a more personalized touch call our office to set up an introductory visit to assess your goals, needs and biomarkers (blood, urine, etc.) to find the most effective and custom program for you! (904) 268-6568. Or you can follow our FREE on-line classes and events.




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